If you are coping with your budget by renting a smaller space, downsizing to a smaller home, renting out "spare" bedrooms, moving in with family, have family moving in with you, have friends moving in with you, have strangers moving in with you, or have roommates, then you might find yourself living in cramped quarters.
You are not alone. And not just because there are other people in the room, but because people across the country have realized that buying a place to sleep at night is probably their most expensive purchase every month.
From NY Times, Move up? Move Out? Families Squeeze In talks about how many middle-class families opt to live in smaller (one-bedroom) apartments that are in the location and price range they like, rather than moving out of the city for more space.
From CNN's IReport, Family of 5 weathers economy with 7 housemates shows how people working together can make an economically easier time for all involved.
And, of course, from Backwoods Home magazine, tips on how to live in a teensy, tiny cabin: The Art of Living in Small Spaces. More information on tiny houses can be found at the Tumbleweed House Company, Lowe's Katrina Cottage, and at Tiny House Design.
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